Sunday, January 10, 2010

haPpY biRthDAy, COoPeR!

Cooper turned 5 on Saturday!! I can't believe how grown up he is getting...well, hold that thought...sometimes I think he is still in his terrible two's!!
We started the morning off with brunch at IHOP! Then off to the zoo! It was a gorgeous day and the fresh crisp air was much needed! After a long day at the zoo, we had a fun-filled family movie night, complete with pah-corn and lick-or-lish (Shaenglish for popcorn and licorice)!!
This morning, I had to do my famous cinnamon-roll-birthday-cake for breakfast since we'd IHOP'd the day before and thus couldn't do it Saturday.
...and finally (later, after dinner, not after cinnamon rolls!!), we celebrated with birthday cake and a couple of presents!
Cooper had requested a StarWars cake...Jadan was thrilled to help me come up with some ideas and THIS is what we came up with (after several messy hours in the kitchen WAY too late the night before!!)
Cooper the Frog (what can I say, my kids love their costumes any day of the year!) loved every minute of his birthday! In fact, he can be quoted not once, but twice this weekend with saying "This is the BEST DAY of my LIFE!!" (First when we rode the train at the zoo and second when he saw his birthday cake)
5 things I love about Cooper...
1) his huge, genuine, contagious, fun-loving smile,
2) his endless energy
3) his sense of humor (especially when he cracks HIMSELF up!)
4) his ever-so-passionate spirit, and...
5) the way he makes my heart smile when I need it the most!!
Happy Birthday, Cooper...We love YOU!!

1 comment:

tam said...

Happy Birthday Coops!! What an amazing cake you had! What an incrediable amazing mom you have as well! We love you bud!