Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a momentous and FUN day for our family...Teegan's first birthday! Exactly one year ago today, we truly were blessed when his special sweet spirit came into our family. My heart changed forever and felt a new depth of love when he was born. He has been an incredible baby...such a joy to our family!
Lately, his little personality certainly has been shining, in the form of silly noises and faces. He makes raspberries, clicks his tongue, babbles and tries to say words, especially dadda, ball, hi, night-night, etc... and who can describe the silly faces?! One of my favorites is when he scrunches his nose until his eyes are just slits and, with a big, ear-to-ear grin, blows air in and out of his nostrils as loudly as he can (you know that one!)!!! Makes me smile just thinking of it!!
Teegan also can stand up without a wall or table or something to pull himself up with and is very close to walking. However, his favorite thing to do is climb up the stairs...he is a pro by now and despite falling down a few times (don't worry grandmas, only a few steps!), he still finds it incredibly fun to see how far he can get up before mom or dad realize what he is up to.
I have been so lucky to have Teegan sleep through the night more often than not, especially when he is able to take just one nap through the day(and 3-4 hours at that!!). His weight at 11 months was much better and he is starting to follow a curve again(though significantly below 0%). He has his check up tomorrow, so I will have to report back with his other "official" stats. But as far as I can tell, he is just an all-around wonderful, healthy baby growing much to fast into toddler-hood!!
To celebrate this milestone, we had our traditional birthday breakfast (however, choco-chip pancakes substituted the forgotten cinnamon rolls...what can I say, I goofed!)
I also took lots of pictures, including a little session we will call "birthday cake demolition!" It took Teegan a little while to figure out how to get past the fondant (Cooper and I were delighted to teach him though!) but once he did, he was was TOO funny!

After that, we had a fabulous dinner...the kids said that Teegan wanted hotdogs for his birthday dinner, and Danny was more than happy to fire up the grill on such a gorgeous day! It was perfected with cake and ice cream for dessert followed by opening a few presents. five stars for a fun birthday filled with great memories and the little boy, our sweet Teegan who we celebrated...WE LOVE YOU TEEGAN!!


tam said...

Your cake looks awesome! Good job! I still can't believe that he is 1 already! Happy Birthday TEEGAN!! He is looking so big! What a fun day!

C said...

Happy Birthday Teegan! Those pictures are ADORABLE!!!