Tuesday, December 22, 2009

had to post this, because you may never see this again...if this sweatshirt isn't in the trash after Danny sees it (no offense cougar fans!), then it will be forbidden for Teegan to wear...just kidding!!!
in other news...
we have been getting daily visits from our elf friends. They travel via the "magic mailbox" and hide special Christmas prizes-- among our favorites, a gingerbread house to decorate together, notepads, slinkys, glittery foam ornament stickers, stampers, Santa straws, and nutcrackers. The kids are always reminded that the elves are watching and they love waking up in the morning and checking the magic mailbox to see if the elves have come!
...Teegan is SO proud of his latest trick, standing! The second he mastered actual crawling (as opposed to his former army crawl), he was getting everywhere really fast and pulling himself up on everything, too.
...and, although he is smiling in this picture (too stinkin' cute!!), Teegan has been, as his shirt states, TEETHING!!He has had a really rough time, too...his two bottom teeth are all but cutting through, and try as he might, chewing and gnawing on everything he gets his little hands on, they refuse to present themselves...so still toothless at almost 10 months!


Karin said...

Teegan is soooo cute! What a smart little boy! Your family is beautiful!
Merry Christmas to the Allen Family!

The Runyons said...

Amber, DeAnne told me about the book you made for you! It is absolutely amazing. What a gift you have!
You are such a cute mom! I can tell your days are long with caring for your family but it's obvious that you love doing the extra things to teach them and to bring them joy. You must be exhausted at days end. You will one day reap the rewards of your labors! Great job!